Apple (AAPL -2.40%) and SiriusXM (SIRI -0.78%) aren't exactly peers. One is a technology behemoth with its hands in everything from artificial intelligence to smartphones and wearable tech.
For more than two years, the bulls have been running wild on Wall Street. Since 2023 began, the ageless Dow Jones Industrial Average, benchmark S&P 500 (^GSPC 0.72%), and growth-powered Nasdaq Composite have soared by 34%, 57%, and 88%, respectively, through the end of January 2025.
Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has spent another $54 million to purchase Sirius XM stock, giving it a stake of more than 35% in the satellite-radio company. ist das Tool zum einfachen Finden, Analysieren und Beobachten von Aktien. Lerne von erfolgreichen Investoren und triff fundierte Anlageentscheidungen. Wir machen Dich zum selbstbestimmten Investor.