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L&S, 24. Januar, 09:34 Uhr

Hitachi Aktie News

Seeking Alpha
etwa 2 Monate alt
Hitachi's impressive 94.9% performance in the past year highlights its strategic focus on electrification of renewable energy grids, outperforming major tech giants. Hitachi says renewables are the new power source, and it is focused on key issues needed for the rapid energy transition. Hitachi's long-term vision and global influence in modern grid projects position it as a key player in the en...
Seeking Alpha
3 Monate alt
Hitachi, Ltd. (OTCPK:HTHIY) Q2 2024 Earnings Call October 30, 2024 3:30 AM ET Company Participants Tomomi Kato - Senior Vice President and Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer Andreas Schierenbeck - Senior Vice President and Executive Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Power Grids, Chief Executive Officer, Hitachi Energy Limited Masao Yoshikawa - Corporate Officer, Executive General Manage...
Seeking Alpha
5 Monate alt
Hitachi is rated as a Buy, considering the valuation re-rating potential associated with ROIC improvement. The company aims to grow NOPAT by expanding its high operating margin Lumada business and reducing operating costs with the help of AI. Hitachi intends to shrink its invested capital base by divesting businesses or assets which boast low ROICs.
Seeking Alpha
6 Monate alt
Hitachi, Ltd. (HTHIY) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript
6 Monate alt
Investors may want to keep an eye on smart dust stocks. No bigger than a grain of sand, smart dust is made up of tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).

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