Global Medical REIT Inc ist eine Aktie aus dem Premium-Bereich von Bitte anmelden, um einen Alarm für Global Medical REIT Inc zu aktivieren.
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Global Medical REIT offers a quality portfolio of healthcare facilities with long-term, triple-net leases, benefiting from favorable demographic trends and a strong tenant base. GMRE's current discounted valuation presents a potential for strong returns and high income, with a 10.6% dividend yield. At a forward P/AFFO ratio of 9.9, well below its historical average, GMRE is a speculative 'buy' ...
BETHESDA, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Global Medical REIT Inc. (NYSE: GMRE) (the “Company” or “GMRE”), a net-lease medical real estate investment trust (REIT) that acquires healthcare facilities and leases those facilities to physician groups and regional and national healthcare systems, announced today that information regarding the federal income tax treatment of the dividends paid in 2024 on the C...
Global Medical REIT primarily invests in outpatient medical facilities, with the company's largest markets being Texas, Florida, and Ohio. The REIT should generate marginally higher AFFO in 2025 thanks to rent indexation, fading impact from the Steward Health Care bankruptcy, and portfolio growth. The company's debt is 81% fixed-rate at 3.18%, but low average maturity implies rising interest co...
REITs and BDCs are solid asset classes through which to facilitate income-oriented strategies. However, investors have to be still careful of not assuming excessive risks that might lead to unexpected dividend cuts. In this article, I share two high-yielding picks, where, in my view, the chances are high for experiencing a dividend cut in the foreseeable future.
Most REITs are well-positioned to grow dividends. But there are exceptions. I highlight three REITs that are at high risk of cutting their dividend.
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