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L&S, 24. Januar, 22:53 Uhr

GEO Group Inc Aktie News

Business Wire
ein Tag alt
BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE:GEO) ("GEO") will release its fourth quarter 2024 financial results on Thursday, February 27, 2025 before the market opens. GEO has scheduled a conference call and simultaneous webcast for 11:00 AM (Eastern Time) on Thursday, February 27, 2025. Hosting the call for GEO will be George Zoley, Executive Chairman of the Board, J. David Do...
ein Tag alt
While much has been said about big tech and big oil as sectors likely to see major benefits from the second Trump administration, the private prison industry – sometimes referred to as the prison-industrial complex – has been, in many ways, leading the stock market charge since November 2024.
2 Tage alt
The second Trump presidency has begun and these five stocks are set to benefit.
24/7 Wall Street
4 Tage alt
The election of Donald Trump as the 47th president of the United States created reverberations throughout the stock market as investors bet on which companies would win and lose during his administration.
Business Wire
8 Tage alt
BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The GEO Group, Inc. (NYSE: GEO) (“GEO” or the “Company”) commented today on a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in relation to the Nwauzor v. The GEO Group case (the “Nwauzor Case”). GEO is currently reviewing today's decision in the Nwauzor Case. GEO remains steadfast in its position that participants in the federally mandated Voluntar...
Seeking Alpha
11 Tage alt
In Q3 2024, The GEO Group posted flat revenue growth and generated $603 million in revenues. Margins showed varied trends, with operating margin deteriorating to 18.91% but net income margin improving to 4.31%. GEO may be in a position to support a possible increase in demand coming from any changes in immigration policy. Investors should not expect capital returns from share repurchases or div...
13 Tage alt
Some experts say there is really nothing the government can do about high food prices.
Investors Business Daily
17 Tage alt
None of our picks is Nvidia or Amazon or Tesla. Investors may wish to widen the aperture to find the best stocks for outsize earnings growth.

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