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L&S, 20. Januar, 17:20 Uhr

Accenture Aktie News

Seeking Alpha
4 Tage alt
I am now bullish on Accenture due to a cheaper valuation and strong demand for AI-related solutions and modular systems. The shift towards modular systems allows incremental software deployment, reducing costs and disruption, making ACN's strategy highly advantageous. With a promising growth outlook and attractive valuation, I rate ACN a buy, expecting it to meet consensus EPS estimates.
Business Wire
5 Tage alt
SYDNEY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Telstra and Accenture today announced a proposed joint venture to rapidly accelerate Telstra's data and AI roadmap.
The Motley Fool
8 Tage alt
It's a brand new year filled with promising investment opportunities. It's also a great time to review your investment portfolio to see if there are attractive growth stocks you can purchase.
10 Tage alt
Accenture's stock price has moved sideways in the past few months, but a recent positive report from Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a leading Indian competitor, could be a catalyst. This week, it was trading at $350, down 5.18% from its highest level in November last year.
Business Wire
13 Tage alt
SINGAPORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Accenture has acquired a digital twin technology platform for banks developed by Percipient.
The Motley Fool
13 Tage alt
Accenture (ACN 1.85%) stock is climbing higher in Tuesday's trading despite a bearish backdrop for the broader market. The company's share price was up 2.2% as of 1:15 p.m.
Business Wire
13 Tage alt
NEW YORK & LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--New research from Accenture finds a new era of digitization is unfolding—one in which AI learns and drives new levels of autonomy.
Business Wire
13 Tage alt
LAS VEGAS & FRANKFURT, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--KION GROUP is working with Accenture to optimize supply chains using NVIDIA's advanced AI and simulation technologies.
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