5,03 $
4,14 % gestern
Nasdaq, 13. Februar, 22:00 Uhr

GoodRx Holdings Aktienkurs

5,03 $
+0,81 19,19 % 1 M.
-1,84 26,78 % 6 M.
+0,38 8,17 % YTD
-1,36 21,28 % 1 J.
-22,22 81,54 % 3 J.
-27,97 84,76 % 5 J.
-27,97 84,76 % 10 J.
Nasdaq, Schlusskurs Do, 13.02.2025
+0,20 4,14 %


Marktkapitalisierung 1,92 Mrd. $
Enterprise Value 2,04 Mrd. $
KGV (TTM) KGV negativ
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 2,58
KUV (TTM) KUV 2,43
KBV (TTM) KBV 2,75
Umsatzwachstum (TTM) Umsatzwachstum 7,14 %
Umsatz (TTM) Umsatz 790,39 Mio. $
EBIT (Operatives Ergebnis TTM) EBIT 46,07 Mio. $
Free Cashflow (TTM) Free Cashflow 153,53 Mio. $
Cashbestand 423,78 Mio. $
EPS (TTM) EPS -0,04 $
KGV erwartet 81,81
KUV erwartet 2,42
EV/Sales erwartet 2,57
Short Interest 7,16 %
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10x Kaufen
53 %
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42 %
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5 %


19 Analysten haben eine GoodRx Holdings Prognose abgegeben:

53 %
42 %
5 %

Finanzdaten von GoodRx Holdings

Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung GuV | Bilanz | Cashflow

Quartal TTM Jährlich
Sep '24
790 790
7 % 7 %
100 %
- Direkte Kosten 144 144
13 % 13 %
18 %
646 646
6 % 6 %
82 %
- Vertriebs- und Verwaltungskosten 382 382
2 % 2 %
48 %
- Forschungs- und Entwicklungskosten 124 124
6 % 6 %
16 %
141 141
34 % 34 %
18 %
- Abschreibungen 95 95
46 % 46 %
12 %
EBIT (Operatives Ergebnis) EBIT 46 46
14 % 14 %
6 %
Nettogewinn -16 -16
208 % 208 %
-2 %

Angaben in Millionen USD.

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GoodRx Holdings Aktie News

Business Wire
8 Tage alt
SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GoodRx (Nasdaq: GDRX), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced that Christopher A. McGinnis has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective February 4, 2025. Chris brings 30 years of extensive financial experience across the healthcare industry to his new role. Chris will join GoodRx following his role as CEO of Citi...
Business Wire
14 Tage alt
SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GoodRx Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: GDRX) (“GoodRx” or the “Company”), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced it will release its fourth quarter and full year 2024 financial results before U.S. markets open on Thursday, February 27, 2025. GoodRx management will also hold a conference call and webcast that morning at 5:00 a.m. Pac...
Business Wire
22 Tage alt
SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GoodRx Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: GDRX) ("we," "us," "our," “GoodRx” or the “Company”), the leading prescription savings platform in the U.S., today announced that Scott Wagner has joined its Board of Directors, effective January 21, 2025. Mr. Wagner, who recently led GoodRx as its Interim Chief Executive Officer from April 2023 to January 2025, has been appo...
Weitere GoodRx Holdings News


Hauptsitz USA
CEO Wendy Barnes
Mitarbeiter 694
Gegründet 2015
Webseite www.goodrx.com

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