1,24 $
0,81 % heute
Nasdaq, 11. Dezember, 15:20 Uhr

Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc Aktienkurs

1,23 $
-0,35 22,15 % 1 M.
-21,17 94,51 % 6 M.
-26,48 95,56 % YTD
-29,67 96,02 % 1 J.
-51.934,77 100,00 % 3 J.
-92.638,77 100,00 % 5 J.
-92.638,77 100,00 % 10 J.
Nasdaq, Schlusskurs Di, 10.12.2024
-0,12 8,89 %


Marktkapitalisierung 55,76 Mio. $
Enterprise Value 164,87 Mio. $
KGV (TTM) KGV negativ
EV/FCF (TTM) EV/FCF negativ
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 305,31
KUV (TTM) KUV 103,26
KBV (TTM) KBV 0,24
Umsatzwachstum (TTM) Umsatzwachstum -2,54 %
Umsatz (TTM) Umsatz 540,00 Tsd. $
EBIT (Operatives Ergebnis TTM) EBIT -191,20 Mio. $
Free Cashflow (TTM) Free Cashflow -110,53 Mio. $
Cashbestand 7,35 Mio. $
EPS (TTM) EPS -122,17 $
Short Interest 38,12 %
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Finanzdaten von Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc

Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung GuV | Bilanz | Cashflow

Quartal TTM Jährlich
Sep '24
0,54 0,54
2 % 2 %
100 %
- Direkte Kosten 91 91
99 % 99 %
16.798 %
-90 -90
499 % 499 %
-16.698 %
- Vertriebs- und Verwaltungskosten - -
- Forschungs- und Entwicklungskosten 35 35
76 % 76 %
6.444 %
-120 -120
54 % 54 %
-22.274 %
- Abschreibungen 71 71
13.135 %
EBIT (Operatives Ergebnis) EBIT -191 -191
32 % 32 %
-35.407 %
Nettogewinn -318 -318
41 % 41 %
-58.961 %

Angaben in Millionen USD.

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Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc Aktie News

Business Wire
etwa 8 Stunden alt
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE) (“Faraday Future”, “FF” or “Company”), a California-based global shared intelligent electric mobility ecosystem company, today announced that it is insourcing the manufacturing of its FF 91 2.0 vehicle seats. This is one example of how the Company looks at every part of its operations to find efficiencies with...
Business Wire
5 Tage alt
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE) (“Faraday Future”, “FF” or “Company”), a California-based global shared intelligent electric mobility ecosystem company, today announced that Suede Brooks, a prominent YouTube influencer, fashion model, and designer, has signed a lease agreement for an FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance EV. The Company is planning to...
Business Wire
7 Tage alt
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (Nasdaq: FFIE) (“FF”, “Faraday Future”, or the “Company”), a California-based global shared intelligent electric mobility ecosystem company, today announced that Dr. Lei Gu, a pioneering figure in China's automotive industry and an expert in vehicle development and safety technology, will join FF as President of FX Global EV...
Weitere Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc News


Hauptsitz USA
CEO Matthias Aydt
Mitarbeiter 505
Gegründet 2014
Webseite www.ff.com

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