12,83 $
0,47 % vorgestern
NYSE, 13. Dezember, 22:10 Uhr

Cohen & Steers Quality Income Realty Fund, Inc. Aktienkurs

12,83 $
-0,29 2,21 % 1 M.
+1,37 11,95 % 6 M.
+0,59 4,82 % YTD
+1,10 9,38 % 1 J.
-3,98 23,68 % 3 J.
-1,99 13,41 % 5 J.
+1,06 9,00 % 10 J.
NYSE, Schlusskurs Fr, 13.12.2024
-0,06 0,47 %


Dividendenrendite 5,61 %
Letzte Dividende (FY24) 0,72 $
Umsatzwachstum (TTM) Umsatzwachstum -8,01 %
Umsatz (TTM) Umsatz 133,86 Mio. $
EBIT (Operatives Ergebnis TTM) EBIT 153,78 Mio. $
Free Cashflow (TTM) Free Cashflow 37,89 Mio. $
EPS (TTM) EPS 0,82 $

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Finanzdaten von Cohen & Steers Quality Income Realty Fund, Inc.

Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung GuV | Bilanz | Cashflow

TTM Jährlich
Jun '24
134 134
8 % 8 %
100 %
- Direkte Kosten 22 22
5 % 5 %
17 %
111 111
9 % 9 %
83 %
- Vertriebs- und Verwaltungskosten - -
- Forschungs- und Entwicklungskosten - -
154 154
1.161 % 1.161 %
115 %
- Abschreibungen - -
EBIT (Operatives Ergebnis) EBIT 154 154
1.161 % 1.161 %
115 %
Nettogewinn 110 110
329 % 329 %
82 %

Angaben in Millionen USD.

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Cohen & Steers Quality Income Realty Fund, Inc. Aktie News

Seeking Alpha
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Closed-End funds have been a source of significant upside and income in 2024. We have seen numerous distribution increases along with prices climbing. We look into the dynamics that have driven this strength.
Seeking Alpha
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Total proceeds raised by US equity real estate investment trusts through at-the-market offering programs rocketed to an all-time high in the third quarter. US REITs raised an aggregate of $7.21 billion in proceeds through their at-the-market programs during the quarter. By property sector, healthcare REITs raised the most capital through their ATM programs during the quarter, at $2.65 billion.
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Cohen & Steers Infrastructure Fund and Real Estate Opportunities and Income Fund offer broad exposure to high-quality infrastructure and real estate investments. UTF has climbed to a slight premium, but with a 7.09% distribution yield and effective leverage management, making it a solid long-term investment. RLTY has been being pushed lower more recently, and that's helped to push the fund's di...
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Hauptsitz USA
CEO James Giallanza
Gegründet 2001
Webseite www.cohenandsteers.com

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