35,80 €
0,10 % heute
L&S, 18. Februar, 12:42 Uhr

APi Group Corporation Aktienkurs

37,50 $
+0,05 0,13 % 1 M.
+2,80 8,07 % 6 M.
+1,53 4,25 % YTD
+2,58 7,39 % 1 J.
+16,22 76,22 % 3 J.
+25,20 204,88 % 5 J.
+27,10 260,58 % 10 J.
NYSE, Schlusskurs Mo, 17.02.2025
+0,00 0,00 %


Marktkapitalisierung 6,50 Mrd. $
Enterprise Value 9,15 Mrd. $
KGV (TTM) KGV negativ
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 1,32
KUV (TTM) KUV 0,94
KBV (TTM) KBV 3,52
Umsatzwachstum (TTM) Umsatzwachstum 0,64 %
Umsatz (TTM) Umsatz 6,92 Mrd. $
EBIT (Operatives Ergebnis TTM) EBIT 450,00 Mio. $
Free Cashflow (TTM) Free Cashflow 546,00 Mio. $
Cashbestand 487,00 Mio. $
EPS (TTM) EPS -1,93 $
KGV erwartet 226,27
KUV erwartet 0,93
EV/Sales erwartet 1,31
Short Interest 1,74 %
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11 Analysten haben eine APi Group Corporation Prognose abgegeben:

9x Kaufen
82 %
2x Halten
18 %


11 Analysten haben eine APi Group Corporation Prognose abgegeben:

82 %
18 %

Finanzdaten von APi Group Corporation

Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung GuV | Bilanz | Cashflow

Quartal TTM Jährlich
Sep '24
6.916 6.916
1 % 1 %
100 %
- Direkte Kosten 5.017 5.017
3 % 3 %
73 %
1.899 1.899
12 % 12 %
27 %
- Vertriebs- und Verwaltungskosten 1.151 1.151
10 % 10 %
17 %
- Forschungs- und Entwicklungskosten - -
748 748
15 % 15 %
11 %
- Abschreibungen 298 298
2 % 2 %
4 %
EBIT (Operatives Ergebnis) EBIT 450 450
30 % 30 %
7 %
Nettogewinn 208 208
39 % 39 %
3 %

Angaben in Millionen USD.

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APi Group Corporation Aktie News

Business Wire
13 Tage alt
NEW BRIGHTON, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--APi Group Corporation (NYSE: APG) (“APi”) announced today that it intends to release its financial results for the three months and full year ended December 31, 2024, before the market opens on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Fourth Quarter Earnings Conference Call APi will hold a webcast/dial-in conference call to discuss its financial results at 8:30 a.m. (...
Seeking Alpha
2 Monate alt
I reiterate a buy rating for APG due to strong market share potential, growth acceleration, and adj EBITDA margin expansion prospects for FY25 and beyond. APG's solid demand trend is evidenced by a $3.5 billion backlog, robust end markets, and a promising M&A pipeline, ensuring high-single-digit growth. Despite FY24 revenue guidance revision, project delays are temporary, setting up FY25 for st...
Business Wire
2 Monate alt
NEW BRIGHTON, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--APi Group Corporation (NYSE: APG) (“APi” or the “Company”) today announced it will host an Investor Day on Wednesday, May 21, 2025, in New York City. The Company will share more details about the location, participants and webcast details in the coming months. Russ Becker, APi's President and Chief Executive Officer stated: “As we progress towards year end ...
Weitere APi Group Corporation News


Hauptsitz USA
CEO Russell Becker
Mitarbeiter 29.000
Gegründet 1926
Webseite www.apigroupinc.com

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